
Ah the best laid intentions. I was going to climb Ben Nevis today for the first time. I was up at 5am, packed my bag, donned my hiking boots, opened the door to rain. 

Its been three hours and the weather forecast still claims it’s dry outside. Ah well. There goes my good day of fitness. And productivity. I really shouldn’t have let my mum put the tv on. But tea and lounging is just an inescapable reality of being at home. 


I’m thinking about the biology behind cherry blossoms. There are several trees outside of my building that have just begun to bloom and they are beautiful. Cherry blossoms have always been the quintessential signifier of Spring to me. In three days they have gone from baron trees to fully blooming beauties and I am eager to do research on what triggers this. What about this very specific day has an entire grove of trees instantly blooming. Why does it not happen several times a year? The climate can’t be that unique. I rather wish I was still in high school so that I could go and ask my Biology teacher, but independent study is far from a bad thing.

For now, however, my curiosities will lay in wait until my first cup of tea is finished.


“I’m through accepting limits
’cause someone says they’re so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I’ll never know!”

This morning’s cup of Earl Grey is sponsored by Wicked, one of my absolute favourite musicals (though that list might be slightly too long to be considered meaningful). It was rather pleasurable to wake up with song lyrics stuck in my head, instead of to-do lists. Despite having gotten so little done yesterday, my mind needed the respite.

I did not expect to hit a bump in the road so early into this Uganda project. I didn’t consider that since I’d previously already had Koha installed and set up for me, the process of doing so would be quite beyond my technological capabilities. It is a rather large bump in the road but hopefully, with some outside help, it won’t be the rapid end to our project.

Sadly, my to-do list isn’t shrinking as of yet. The fact that I have just turned on my Xbox will not really help either. But I could use a little bit of time off before diving back in. Time off have been a rarity these last few months, so some guilt-free Fallout 4 is more than called for I’d say.


I woke up thinking about lists. Specifically my to-do list for this weekend. Naturally, after such a rude awakening, I needed tea. After all, that overflowing Moleskine of notes and thoughts and general ramblings won’t take care of itself. Now I’m contemplating student accommodations. The logistics involved in negotiating toilet roll for 6 girls. So simple, so disastrous. (1. Buy more toilet roll). I can’t wait to be out of halls and into my own place. It must be a sign of my control freak tendencies that I’m looking forward to being in a place where I can have full control over my environment (and the state of my cooker). Mostly, I’m looking forward to having someone there to make me tea in the morning, because you can usually measure my level of exhaustion by the number of attempts I make to put the tea bag in the sink instead of the bin.

At least today is a duvet day. Also an extremely busy one, but I am in perfect proximity to my duvet and my kettle so I will manage. Also, they got mad at me the last time I tried to take my duvet into the computer lab.


I’m thinking about Koha. I’m contemplating the idea of being completely out of my depth in my undertakings. I’m thinking about perseverance. I’m thinking I’m thankful that IR Fest provided hot water and teabags alongside their pre-brewed tea. But mostly, I’m thinking I’m out of my depth. What’s weirder? I’m excited by it. I have 101 ideas and nearly as many projects. All with no sense of giving up in a hurry. I want to do it all. Research all my ideas. Apply for all my dream jobs.  Print all my studies. It’s impossible, but as I sip my rapidly waning cup of tea (and mourn the pitiful size of the coffee cups provided) I contemplate all my ideas. Contemplate what may get dropped when interest laxes or time simply becomes too tight.  Contemplate what I’ll likely cling to with bleeding and weary fingers. So I contemplate Koha. How I will download it onto my laptop. How I will teach another to do so.  How I will teach this person halfway around the world to build a library.

How? How? How?

I only have one answer so far.  But its the most important one.  Perseverance. Perseverance, determination, and tea. The rest will come…likely with my next cup of tea. But until then, I contemplate Uganda.